Tom's Towbars Wangara WA

Your local towing & vehicle fit out specialists

Better go to Tom's!

Making your ideas a reality

Ever looked at your vehicle and thought ‘What if I added [insert your ideas here]?”

We couldn’t possibly list every type of project we’ve done over the years – you’d need a week just to read it and no one has time for that!

Instead, consider this your invitation to bring your ideas, whether its fully-formed and drawn up, just a vague thought in your head or even a problem you need to solve.

Come speak to our expert team for a free quote on any custom fabrication or general welding job for your vehicle – we’ve seen it all!

Need some inspiration?

Get a quote from Tom's Towbars

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Products designed to suit your needs, fabricated and fitted in our local Wangara workshop.

Tom's Towbars is an authorised supplier and fitter

Leading Brands to help you go the distance

We’re proud to offer a wide range of quality, real world tested vehicle accessories. Tom’s Towbars are an authorized supplier and fitter of many well-known and trusted brands that are built to withstand the harsh Australian climate.